Experience of use Normadex

"My story of fighting parasites began when I started raising pets. My husband and I live in a three-room apartment, and we have several permanent pets, with puppies appearing from time to time. Also, sometimes we take in dogs for a while for mating, and they all live together at our house.

Veronica became infected with parasites from her pets

Our animals constantly undergo veterinary control; they all have passports and medical cards. We also do everything that depends on my husband and me: we vaccinate our dogs, give them vitamins, and buy anti-worm medications.

I can say that we were more worried about the animals than about ourselves. Of course, I know that dogs can be carriers of parasites; after walks, I constantly washed my hands and did not allow too close contact with our animals. But still, these measures did not help our security.

My pets brought parasites into the house

Around the beginning of autumn, I noticed that I had an allergy in the crook of my elbows. I was surprised, since I had never had anything like this before, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. At the same time, I began to notice some changes in my health, weakness, and constant drowsiness.

And I also developed a cough. My husband said that I had become pale and also noticed that something was happening to me. One day I started having diarrhea. It lasted for several days, the medications practically did not help. Later, the unpleasant symptom decreased, but there were difficulties with digestion. I went to the doctor for a consultation, after a full examination I was sent for tests, which showed low hemoglobin, high white blood cells and ESR. The doctor once again asked me in detail about all my complaints and, after a control test, diagnosed me with helminthiasis.

Using Normadex capsules from my own experience

The doctor gave me several recommendations on choosing a drug for treatment, and I settled on Normadex. I decided to start treatment with a drug based on herbal ingredients, since I always choose natural products. I had no experience using anti-parasitic agents yet, but how to use Normadex was described in detail in the instructions. The product should be used in the same way as regular tablets.

After a week of taking the drug, my appearance began to improve, and my stool returned to normal. I began to sleep well, as if vitality had appeared in me. The cough also gradually went away; later I found out that it was also caused by parasites.

Veronica was cured of parasites using Normadex

I want to say that the capsules helped me a lot. Two weeks later, my tests were completely normal, the doctor said that everything was fine, but recommended that I take the Normadex course to the end. At the end of the course, I noticed an improvement in the condition of my hair and skin, as if I had a glow from within.

This is how using capsules helped me get rid of parasites and cleanse my body of harmful substances. Now I will carry out preventive measures not only for dogs, but also for my husband and me. The instructions for use say that the product can also be used for prevention. I read how many beneficial substances and plant extracts it contains. Some of them were contained in my favorite women's vitamins. Normadex is definitely worth using for all people who keep pets at home. Even if the dog appears healthy and you take good care of it, this does not guarantee that you will be protected from parasitic infection. Normadex is a truly effective drug against parasites. I wish everyone health and advise using Normadex in any situation. "

Veronica, Prague.